35 and the "in between".

Last week, I celebrated my 35th birthday. I have so much to be grateful for, yet I’m constantly striving for more (as an enneagram one does). As I reflect on the past 35 years of my life, I also look forward to the future, because there is so much left unexplored, so many new experiences to have, and plenty of struggles and triumphs to come. If the next few years are anything like the last 35, I am surely in for an incredible journey. 

When I was younger, I don’t know what I thought my life would be like when I was 35, but it is definitely much more than I would have expected. I have a husband, two kids, a business, leadership roles in my community, friends I wish I saw more of, family in all corners of south central PA, and so many new ideas to pursue! In many ways I am much further along than I thought I would be at 35, but I am also not where I want to be.

When we started this journey toward the cafe, I thought we’d be done by now. There were many times I thought we’d be done by now. So, as the days pass and the stress and debt start to take their toll on me, I’m anxiously waiting for when we can open the doors. Most days I can talk myself into calming down, knowing it will take as long as it takes and we’ll eventually get there in its own sweet time. But at 35 I’m having a hard time waiting in the “in between” any longer.

I’m out here trying to do my best work, to be loving and kind, to be patient with our endeavors, and to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I hope when you interact with Tucker&Co. you feel the love and pursuit of good behind each bite of food. Thank you for your continued patience as we build the cafe. I hope to serve as many of you as possible, in person, in our space that we have been dreaming of and creating over the years. This is my first time building this dream and we are all growing and building lives for the very first time.

So here’s to staying learners, dreamers, and being first timers; let's have some fun and joy along the way. Happy Birthday to me.